DBZ Mugen Apk For Android Bleach Vs Naruto BVN 3.3 Mod
Hello friends, Today you will see Best Bleach Vs Naruto BVN Mod Special for DBZ Mugen Apk game for Android. In this BVN Mod Apk you will see only Characters of Dragon Ball Super. So let’s know about this game.

DBZ Mugen Apk BVN Mod For Android
Bleach Vs Naruto is Real Anime M.U.G.E.N Game for Android in this game you will see all fighting styles and Characters attacks effects fully like real Mugen games. If you want to play MUGEN games on Android so Bleach Vs Naruto is Best Mugen Game for Android. Bleach Vs Today you will see Bleach Vs Naruto Mugen Apk Spacial Mod for Dragon Ball Anime. In this BVN Mod Apk you will see Best Characters of Dragon Ball Super series with Real Anime attacks.

Play Modes Option
You will see 5 Play Modes Options so let’s know about it.
- Team Play:- In this option you have Two more play options namely Arcade and Vs CPU So you can select 3 Characters and then start play Acrade and Vs CPU Modes.
- Single Play:- In this Option you will see Two more play options like Team Play mode, Arcade And Vs CPU but in this Play Mode you can select only One Character and start Play Arcade And Vs CPU Mode.
- Traning Mode:- You can check your fighting skills and lean all Characters skills and combos in Training Mode.

About Characters
This is Spacial for Dragon Ball Mugen BVN Mod so in this Apk you will see 16 Best Characters of Dragon Ball Super.

- Goku:- Dragon Ball Super Movie Broly Goku, And DBZ Goku of Frieza Saga And Goku Mastered Ultra Instinct. Movie Goku have 3 Super Attacks First Kamehameha Second SSJ Goku Kamehameha and Third is very amazing Dragon Fist Attack of Super Saiyan 3 Goku. Goku Mastered Ultra Instinct have 4 Super Attacks with Amazing Voice effects.
- Xeno Goku:- You will see Xeno Goku only with SSJ5 form.
- Black Goku:- You will see Black Goku Base and Rose with Amazing Anime attacks. You will also see 3 Super Attacks of Black Goku.
- Jiren:- Base form only with Eye Attack because Jiren is beta.
- Fused Zamasu with real Anime attacks and Voice effects.
- Vegeta:- You will see Vegeta Base and SSB Evolution form with 3 Super Attacks. Vegeta SSB Evolution have Amazing Final Flash attack like Anime.
- Naruto And Goku Fusion Characters Goruto with Super Saiyan and 4th great plus form.
- Gohan, Frieza and Cooler. Frieza have real Anime attacks of DBZ Saga.

DBZ Mugen Apk Additional Information
- Game Name:- Dragon Ball Z Mugen BVN Mod Apk
- Game Size:- 421MB
- Mod BY:- BVN Zero
- Platform:- Android
- Android:- 5.1
- RAM:- 2GB
- Processor:- Octa-Core